a little about me
As a Christian visual artist, writer and educator, I'm energized by a singular passion—to know Jesus and to make Him known. I seek to express those discoveries in, and through, the language of art and words. Filled with an insatiable curiosity to understand God through the pages of the Bible, I'd like to live in complete surrender to Him.
Yet I am acutely aware that despite the technological advances of our times, none of the fires of our carnal nature have been quelled. The passions of the past are no less beguiling today. So also the struggles of our fathers are still our trials today.
Fortunately, we serve an unchanging God, The Ancient of Days. His wisdom, walked out by faith, grants us a glorious escape from chains that bind and oppress, gifting us an uncommon liberty that I'm determined to enjoy.
So join me as I learn to walk free, following Jesus, who gave His life for us. It is a process, a journey, not an instantaneous event—sometimes exhilarating and at other times painfully slow and trudging, yet pressing on to a promised destiny.
"Now you are the Body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it."1 Corinthians 12:27
As Christian artists we have a unique destiny. I found my place in the Body of Christ after some wandering and uncertainty. Becoming Biblically literate, praying and learning to be led by the Holy Spirit, was how I stumbled into my calling.
I am a voracious reader of historical accounts of Christians of the past, awed by their tenacity and stubborn refusal to quit, despite great trials and persecution. Their stories inspire and spur me in my pursuit.They were guided by our faithful Father, who helped them fulfill their destiny. Dare I expect any less?
Now I find myself in a generation that has forgotten who He really is. There is a pressing urgency to share our personal experiences of God in order to leave behind a legacy of faith! Testifying about Jesus is powerful. Retelling our experiences not only blesses the hearer, but us also. Perhaps the stories of the beginnings of my journey will inspire you, as they remind me of His faithfulness every time I ponder and share them.
Finding where you belong to settle in for your lifetime is a process. Settling in does not come easily—you will certainly face seasons of doubts and days when quitting will seem like a tantalizing option. My struggles and wins might encourage you. Read how others were impacted by my account.
When the pressure to abandon is intense, if you refuse to yield, and press on, you will truly enjoy days of heaven on earth! I wish that when I began my journey there were others to urge me to persevere. But I knew no other Christian artists, whose creative and personal lives were a cohesive whole. There were many skilled artists creating beautiful work, but their faith was private and sealed off from the world. No one knew of their struggles, and their victories did not hint of their faith in God. I could not look at their lives and be encouraged to press on, because their highs and lows were hidden from view.
God promises rewards for those who doggedly refuse to quit. And He urges us to build one another up in our most holy faith, so that abandoning the faith is never entertained. Paul sitting alone in the Roman dungeon could never have fathomed that God would back his words for generations of Christians yet to come!
Today, it is gratifying to see so many sharing their work online, enjoying their roles as contemporary Christian artists just as I am. May everyone called to this specific mission fulfill their calling with zest and integrity.

Contact me
I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.
email: sarasunithajoseph@gmail.com
6417 Meadows West Dr, Fort Worth, Texas 76132