"Hope deferred
makes the heart sick,
But when the desire comes,
it is a tree of life."
Proverbs 13:12
Hope is fragile. If dashed, it lies bruised and wary of rising up again. If encouraged, it explodes into expectant faith and boldly receives what God promised.
Hope has struggled for a permanent home in the hearts of many as we've all endured crushing oppression, and yet kept on praying for the season that is now upon us! For the first time in a long while hope is reborn!
It is like a delicate waif, looking back in awe for having made it through a lengthy season of bleakness. There is a flowering of beauty that cannot be birthed any other way, except as a result of persistent, expectant faith.
To me, the colors of hope have always felt like they should reflect the colors of heaven touched by the warmth of the sun—blues, teal, turquoise, chartreuse...

The verses that I was pondering were from the book of Job.
“If you would prepare your heart, and stretch out your hands toward Him;
If iniquity were in your hand, and you put it far away,
and would not let wickedness dwell in your tents;
Then surely you could lift up your face without spot; Yes, you could be steadfast,
and not fear; because you would forget your misery,
and remember it as waters that have passed away,
And your life would be brighter than noonday.
Though you were dark, you would be like the morning.
And you would be secure, because there is hope; Yes, you would dig around you,
and take your rest in safety." Job 11; 13-18 NKJV
Zophar spoke these words as part of his lengthy counsel to Job. I used to wonder why so many pages in the Bible were given over to the counsel of Job's friends—especially since God declared at the end of the book that their counsel was wrong.
So why include their words? Why not just say that Job received wrong counsel when he was in the fires of his trial? One sentence, and all that needed saying would have been said. I was wrong.
Zophar's words still expressed pertinent Biblical truth. It was his assessment of Job's nature and the cause of his trials that was wrong.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof,
for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work." 2 Timothy 3:16-17

The words of Job's friends are not to be tossed aside because of their faulty judgement of his predicament. They were intentionally recorded for our instruction. They hold promises for us to hold fast, containing God's power, authority and backing. He will enforce them in our lives, if we believe Him for them.
God is the only righteous judge for the human heart. He knew Job was not guilty of their accusations.
But He also knew that their words expressed timeless truths about Him and His ways with man. They were words worth passing along from generation to generation.
Preparing your heart, stretching out your hands towards Him in faith, and turning away from sin, will still bring Him into the worst circumstances. That has never changed and never will,
It is our only hope to transform bleak seasons into a brighter future.
So the next time you read Job, pay closer attention to the nature of God described by his friends. There are true riches to be gleaned.
And who knows, perhaps, their words will spark inspiration for creative expression for you as they did for me. Let us cherish together the stirrings of hope as we embark on a new season of world history.