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Creative Catalysts

Acrylic painting by Sara Joseph of flames of fire rising upwards against dark forces.
The Unstoppable Kingdom of God, Acrylic on Paper, Sara Joseph

Creative catalysts are as necessary as water to fish.

For Christian visual artists, inspiration can spring from unexpected places like from the wealth of David's poetic worship in Psalms, sunlight glinting off floating dust specks, the softness of a petal or the beauty of an unselfish act.

Ignited by the Holy Spirit, the light we carry continues the fire of the Kingdom of God into the world around us, whether it's through the work of our hands or the simple act of living of our lives of faith. The Kingdom existed before we were born and will continue its stand against darkness long after we exit this life.

Let's not burn out, but remain lit in the face of considerable opposition!

If you'd like to have your flame lit with ideas and inspiration for your role in the Kingdom as a Christian visual artist, perhaps the Christian Artist's Vision and Mission Guide will be of help.

The spark to endure tough times often comes from others on the same mission. Clothed in the flesh and blood form of our brothers and sisters in Christ, they are divinely appointed to intersect our paths at pivotal times. Like us, they serve Jesus with familiar resources and often even wander foolishly on the same detours as we do! We're not alone, nor were we ever meant to journey alone.

The unique privilege of partnering with Him, with His view of eternity in mind, has been gifted to us. It's not that He couldn't do it Himself, He chose to include us—a thought that is both humbling and thrilling!


"...his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed." Daniel 7:14


Inspiration can jolt new ideas into existence or nudge you into different arenas of exploration. Creative catalysts can stoke the making of fresh art exploring biblical themes.

Knit together in Christ, we can heed the lessons others learned from their successes and rabbit trails. Our unique experiences are pertinently diverse in order to be meaningful to others in the body of Christ. No one is useless because of the gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Never forget that!


But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:

1Corinthians 12:7

But one and the same Spirit works all these things,

distributing to each one individually as He wills.

For as the body is one and has many members,

but all the members of that one body, being many, are one body, so also is Christ.  1Corinthians 12:11-12


It is in light of these truths that I recommend visiting the Worship Ministry Catalyst website. David Lindner and Kevin Kruse interviewed me for their podcast in 2017, ages ago now! But the material may still prove to be helpful to you.

Click on the banner below. My interview begins at the 8:08 mark, if you are rushed and would like to skip the opening banter.


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