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Biblical Art Therapy

Looking for a fun, creative and satisfying way to use art to grow in faith?

Biblical Art Therapy is an effective, Bible-based discipline that can produce lasting, transformative change in those who practice it.

Many aspects of Biblical Art Therapy are in stark contrast to secular art therapy. That should come as no surprise to Christian artists, since worldly wisdom is often the opposite of divine wisdom!

In James 3, God uses harsh words for what is universally commended as wisdom, describing it as evil compared to His pure and gentle wisdom. As Creator, He decides who, and what, qualifies as worthy in His eyes.


"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise,

and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty;" 1 Corinthians 1:27


God’s wisdom is astonishing in its multi-dimensional power! It can heal, restore, redeem, transform, and empower growth like no other form of human wisdom. It often appears to be absurd, until practiced—then its power is unleashed!

Although well aware of the power of God’s wisdom, we hesitate to trust it entirely. Worldly counsel is prevalent, familiar, and therefore, heeded more.


But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory." 1 Corinthians 2:7-8


From the cradle to the grave, our brains are fed natural wisdom, creating predictable grooves of thinking, from which we rarely deviate. Sometimes labeled "common sense," at other times it is cloaked in the credibility of intellectual reasoning.

Only when life’s struggles alert us to to the inadequacies of worldly counsel do we reconsider the wisdom we thought we knew.

Then, to our dismay, we discover its deficiencies, which are incapable of tackling the trials that visit every human life!

Only the Bible offers tested counsel for winning every battle. Obeying God’s wisdom, as taught in the pages of the Bible, is the secret to success in every aspect of life. Not always quick or easy, obvious or lauded, God's wisdom has consistently led people to satisfying, fruitful lives, generation after generation.

Art is a fun, nonverbal way to erase ruts of destructive thinking, replacing them with God’s Holy Word. Biblical wisdom cannot be stumbled upon. New networks of thought must be imaginatively incised upon our thinking and corresponding actions of faith and obedience taken, resulting in powerful experiences, (testimonies), building faith.

If spiritual wisdom is not treated with utmost reverence, its potential is easily missed.

Art is a perfect tool for this renewal of our minds! Of course, actions of obedience must be followed through for success.


Biblical Art Therapy is a powerful way of bypassing prevailing sentiments in our minds that would tend to dismiss God’s wisdom as utter foolishness! 

Don’t kid yourself into thinking that God’s counsel is easily absorbed. It is not! Having spent a lifetime viewing the world through the filter of worldly wisdom, changing that template will require deliberate action. It will require learning to depend only on God's promises in the face of challenges. Why not resist opposition and grow supernaturally in a creatively rewarding manner?

In the Biblical Art Therapy course at the Palm & Pen School for Christian Artists, I'll walk you through the process. Videos demonstrate creating art in watercolor, pen and ink.

Artists of all skill and experience levels can either duplicate the art I demonstrate or creatively enhance their own work using my ideas as creative prompts. 

The power of the course lies in combining Biblical understanding (in faith) with art creation to overcome anxiety and fear in a creatively enriching manner. Then, as you experience God in your process, you can share your growing faith with others!

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