God's promises for those who cleave to Him during seasons of uncertainty and turmoil are truly exceptional. I've experienced the fulfillment of some of them making me eager for what is yet pending. Often the temptation to walk away is greater than the desire to press on in faith. But we must resist.
Day after day we wake up thankful for life in this fallen world, despite the claws of death that grip. Our faith is tested and our ability to endure stretched. Death surrounds us—the death of relationships, health, hopes, dreams...
Yet death in any form does not own the definitive last word!
The resurrection life of Jesus is available for victory over every nuance of death.
With Jesus, we overcome. Every time. No matter how long it takes, or how impossible it appears. Even the last and final death is merely a portal to everlasting joy! That is truly worth celebrating.
However, navigating the darkness, maintaining our joy, and nurturing our passion for life, is only possible if we are led by the Holy Spirit through those terrifying valleys of death.
"I will feed my flock, and I will cause them to lie down, saith the Lord." Ezekiel 34:15
What a precious promise! Sheep are vulnerable, defenseless animals, prone to trouble without the abiding presence, protection and provision of the Shepherd. They do not eat or drink if threatened, even if the threat is only imagined. That's us!
Fearfully wandering through life, we are easy prey for an enemy determined to rob us of our destiny as victors—except for the care of our Shepherd! Learning to lie down after feeding on His food is the ultimate expression of trust.
I am struck by how art thrives when stimulated or "fed", and how quickly it dies in the presence of threats, oppression and darkness. All creativity, whether in art, science or technology, requires energetic, well fed, peaceful minds for outcomes that satisfy.
Following closely, listening for the Shepherd's voice and obeying is crucial. He promises to then so thoroughly fill us, that lying down to digest our provision is our only option.
As I look back, I marvel at how He has never failed me, even if I did not realize it in my darkest moments, when His presence seemed distant and His voice faint. He has unfailingly supplied every manner of food necessary for creativity, often under impossible circumstances.
He feeds first with His word—supply that is like no other! As a new believer, I never understood how ordinary words used in common conversation, when combined in the Holy Bible, become God's Words. How stunning that they then take on power that is unstoppable and transformative! His presence behind the words and His promise that they will not return to Him void is what makes the difference.
My continued faith in His words, and His integrity to uphold them, fills my life with excitement and adventure. How I live today is unrecognizable from when I first hesitantly believed!
God's word is spiritual food that truly nurtures from within. Inside us, they are satisfying, stimulating and strengthening. After consuming it, just like natural food, we are at first oblivious to its working. We do not feel every cell being nourished or new growth replacing the weakened old. Change happens out of sight, but eventually manifests where we can view spectacular outcomes.
So I urge you, be led by His Spirit.
Obey the least of His instructions, glean them by reading His word often.
Make small movements of faith in response to His gentle nudges, Faith always acts.
Then learn to rest and digest.
Stave off restlessness and learn patience through seasons of quiet.
Learning how to wait in faith is an art! I'm beginning to realize that it is a lifetime pursuit, never mastered, merely improved upon.
One day when you take stock of artwork completed at His prompting, you will be filled with amazement. Your heart will overflow with gratitude for His faithfulness.
Best of all, you'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that you could not have accomplished anything without Him! That knowing is a PhD no one offers but is worth striving for.