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When I first launched my website, artists wrote to me from around the world. They longed to creatively engage in the arts as a response to their faith. Yet they were plagued by all sorts of concerns. Real and pressing worries crippled them and diluted their passion as artists.

While reading their emails, I found myself thinking, "I've been there! I understand. I know just who can help walk you through to success."

Not me! I could never be the sort of coach, mentor, strategist, creative director, financier, or every other sort of resource that you, as a Christian artist, will surely need to pursue your calling. But God could, and would.

Gently Awakened is part memoir interspersed with art and poetry. It is a testament to God's incredible faithfulness and unchanging character. He is reason enough for you to confidently pursue art as an expression of your faith.

Book titled Gently Awakened: The Influence of Faith on your Artistic Journey by Sara Joseph with the Reader's Favorite Winner gold medallion.
Gold Book Award Winner Medallion.
2014 Reader's Favorite International Book Award Gold Medal Winner—Christian Nonfiction & Illustration

Gently Awakened is for every Christian who has ever wondered how they could combine their faith with their creativity.

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